Clinical study of chinese medicine dewetting expectorant and went stasis treatment of fatty liver 利湿化痰祛瘀法治疗脂肪肝临床研究
Clinical observation on high-dose Herbs for Promoting Blood Circulation to Remove Blood Stasis in treatment of liver fibrositis 大剂量活血化瘀中药治疗肝脏纤维化的临床观察
The regression equations of syndromes of yin deficiency, yang deficiency, yin-yang deficiency, blood stasis, phlegm damp and liver stagnation were obtained. 通过多元回归分析得阴虚证、阳虚证、阴阳两虚证、血瘀证、痰湿证、肝郁证等回归方程。
Influence of removing blood stasis and tonifying liver and kidney method on quality of life in patients with essential hypertension: randomized controlled observation 化瘀浊益肝肾法对原发性高血压患者生活质量的影响:随机双盲对照观察
CT Finding of Lymphatic Stasis of Liver 肝脏淋巴郁积的CT表现
Conclusion The patients with the syndrome of qi deficiency, blood stasis, heart deficiency, liver deficiency or kidney deficiency suffer from CHD more easily. 结论出现气虚证、血瘀证、心虚证、肝虚证、肾虚证的患者更易于患冠心病。
Conclusion On the basis of pathological factors such as heat-damp, blood stasis and phlegm, harmonizing liver and reinforcing kidney is good way to improve therapeutic effect. 结论调肝益肾权衡湿热、血瘀、痰浊因素的关联性是提高黄褐斑临床疗效的有效途径。
Conclusions: Yin deficiency syndrome was the main syndrome in the type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, but the main syndrome of the liver cirrhosis complicated by abnormal glucose metabolism was liver depression and spleen deficiency, blood stasis of liver. 结论:肝硬化合并糖代谢异常患者以肝郁脾虚、瘀阻肝络为主证,2型糖尿病以阴虚为主证。
The article suggests that the decoction of removing blood stasis and nourishing the liver is a effective means to treat hepatic cancers after interventional chemotherapy. 表明消瘀养肝汤是治疗肝癌介入化疗后患者的一个实用而有效的手段,值得研究应用。
Clinical Study on Relationship between Liver-Blood Stasis and Liver Fibrosis 肝血瘀阻与肝纤维化关系的临床研究
Its basic pathogenesis is the deficiency of spleen and kidney, the stasis of liver Qi and poison. 认为该病的基本病机是脾肾两虚、肝郁痰凝。
Theoretical Research of Inter-relation of the Formation of Blood Stasis Syndrome Type and Not Liver Freely Distributing 血瘀证形成与肝失疏泄相互关系的理论研究
Liver-Softening Granules on plasminogen activator system in stasis type liver fibrosis in rats 柔肝冲剂对血瘀型肝纤维化大鼠纤溶酶原激活系统影响的研究
The pathomechanism of abdominal pain includes mainly Cold Stagnation, Heat Concentration, Blood Stasis, Liver Depression, Indigestion, Parasite, and Inferiority of Yang. 腹痛病机主要有寒凝、热结、血瘀、肝郁、食积、虫扰、阳虚等七种。
Effect of Decoction of Removing Blood Stasis and Nourishing the Liver for Treating Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Interventional Chemotherapy 消瘀养肝汤对肝癌介入化疗后的作用
Qi vacuity, Yin vacuity, Qi stagnation and Blood stasis are main symptom of liver cancer patients. 肝脏恶性肿瘤患者主要症状为肝区疼痛、纳呆、腹胀、消瘦。
Stasis and heat smoldering, liver and kidney yin deficiency and damp-heat smoldering are main factors affecting severity of posthepatitic cirrhosis. 瘀热内蕴,肝肾阴虚和湿热内蕴证是病情程度的主要影响因素;
The studying results indicate that the basic pathogenesis is stasis of liver blood and spleen deficiency and liver-qi blocking. 研究结果提示,肝血瘀阻、脾虚气滞是肝癌的根本病机;
O observe the effect of two kinds of formulas of Clearing Liver and Invigorating Spleen ( CLIS) and activating blood circulation and removing stasis ( ABCRS) on liver fibrosis. 目的比较研究疏肝理脾活血法和破血祛瘀法抗肝纤维化的作用。
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of TCM treatment on calculi of biliary duct complicated by bile stasis in the liver. 目的:观察肝内胆管结石合并肝内胆汁淤积中医治疗的临床疗效。
Points: Yang and Yin with adrenal; plus the external ear point; yin to adrenal, external ear points; clip wet with Subcortical, large intestine; clip heat plus external nose, lungs; clip stasis and heart and liver. 配穴:阳虚加肾上腺;阴虚加外耳点;阴阳两虚可肾上腺、外耳点共取;夹湿加皮质下、大肠;夹热加外鼻、肺;夹瘀加心、肝。
Conclusion: treatment of promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis and dispersing stagnated liver qi for promoting bile flow, the clinical efficacy of the treatment of PBC significantly, is worth further study. 结论:疏肝利胆活血化瘀法治疗PBC临床疗效显著,值得进一步深入研究。
Clinically we think that the main pathogenesis of fatty liver are endogenous damp-heat, phlegm and blood stasis accumulation in the liver and dysfunction of the liver in maintaining the smooth movement of qi. 临床上我们认为湿热内生,痰瘀互结,肝失条达为本病主要病机。
4, Type A behavior with premature ovarian failure, kidney liver depression ( stasis) card influential kidney liver depression ( stasis), premature ovarian failure patients with physical multi-qi quality. A型行为卵巢早衰中肾虚肝郁(兼瘀)证有影响,肾虚肝郁(兼瘀)的卵巢早衰患者体质多为气郁质。
The common Chinese medicine syndrome in the cases are Qi deficiency, blood stasis, phlegm wetness and phlegm heat. The blood stasis is related with the liver metastasis and the phlegm wetness is related with the brain metastasis. 4. 3对中医证型与转移器官进行分析,常见的中医证型有气虚、血瘀、痰湿、痰热,其中肝转移与血瘀之间存在相关,脑转移与痰热证存在相关。
They were QI stagnation blood stasis, Liver and kidney deficiency type in TCM. 中医辨证属于肝肾亏虚,气滞血瘀证型。
Reorganized those research results into wind, phlegm, deficiency, blood stasis and liver, spleen, kidney classification accordingly, well-form into a structure content in this thesis. 3. 归纳整理后,将其中重要的研究成果依风、痰、虚、瘀及肝、脾、肾相关分类归纳,形成论文中近代研究项下的内容。
The occurrence of PSD was influenced by both TCM and Western medicine risk factors. Yin deficiency, phlegm, stasis, liver Qi stagnation and NIHSS points were the main risk factors in the combination with TCM and Western medicine. PSD的发生同时受到中西医易患因素的影响,阴虚证、痰证、瘀证、肝气郁结证、NIHSS积分是主要的中西医易患因素组合。